Wrappers A-Z: Costa Rican

Wrappers A-Z: Costa Rican
Date: February 2022
Author: Zen Cigar

Of all the countries that produce cigars, Costa Rica is perhaps one of the most overlooked when it comes to cigar wrappers. Despite this, Costa Rican puros are quite popular, and being puros, they use wrappers grown domestically. Sadly there isn’t a whole lot of info out there on wrapper leaves grown in this country, but with rich volcanic soil and a tropical climate, Costa Rica is well poised to produce excellent tobacco wrappers. The majority of the leaves produced in this country are dark and maduro wrappers.

The Costa Rican cigar wrapper leaves are generally similar in taste and texture to the leaves grown in Brazil and Mexico, as well as the Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers that are grown in full sunlight. Despite there being similarities between all of these wrappers, there are differences in texture that can be used to tell them apart. As with these other wrappers, wrapper leaves from Costa Rica can be very flavorful and can be quite strong on the palate, and provide quite a memorable experience. While the wrappers from Brazil, Mexico, and Connecticut are still better known, it’s likely only a matter of time before more smokers start noticing the similar flavorful wrappers which are produced in Costa Rica and which are so enjoyable in Costa Rican puros.


  • Reyes Family Premier

Costa Rican flag

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