Domestic Cigars Size Chart

Domestic Cigars Size Chart
Date: February 2022
Author: Zen Cigar

The Domestic cigar market uses standard measurements: inches for length and ring gauge for width. Ring gauge is measured in 1/64 of an inch. Therefore if a cigar has a ring gauge of 49, it is 49/64 of an inch in diameter.

Domestically the number of shapes and sizes is a lot simpler compared with the complex Cuban Size Chart. There are fewer shapes because there generally is an accepted range for each size. Manufacturers don’t always hold true to the sizes and shapes when they name their cigars. Often times a size called a Toro by the manufacturer may actually be a Grand Corona.

The table below is neat and simple. There are 21 shapes (vitolas) listed and unlike the Cuban shapes List, it includes a range of length and ring gauge for each size. I have seen some cigars fall outside of the ranges below, but this is a great generalized list.
Source: Perelman’s CigarCyclopedia.

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2 thoughts on “Domestic Cigars Size Chart

  1. Thank you for cigar size chart

  2. The cigar size chart is great. I saved it.
    Since I review cigars, I sometimes flummoxed by what the commercial description of a cigar is. It is as if the store or manufacturer is making it up as they go along. So now, I have a great reference tool.

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